Thursday, September 30, 2010

Recession Summer

At least, my most recent short, Recession Summer!

This past summer, I had two or three scripts lying around that I wanted to make into short films. I wanted to use the time that I had. Of course, things came up, as they always do, and barely one film was finished. That film was the one above. Instead of searching for actors (I really couldn't), it was shot with friends. I was a one man crew. It was really fun to make. Are there problems, sure? But, I also think there's a lot of good in this.

Enjoy. Comments are always appreciated. Sharing is definitely appreciated.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A preview of Recession Summer

My summer began frantically. I often have a clock ticking in my head, and it's been going off ever since I knew I wanted to be a filmmaker.

"I have to make movies," I told myself. "I have to make them right now." That kind of pressure turned out to be really unhealthy. Where did it come from? Well, the imminent sense of death. Bullshit 2010 prophecies didn't help my neuroses.

I've begun to slowly realize that I have time, and as Wilco has stated, every generation thinks it's the last. I will die, but probably not soon. The world will probably end, but we've got some time (although that's no excuse to not be active in making this a better world. Conversation for another entry...).

This all does not change that fact that I really enjoy creating film. It makes me very happy. I become addicted to it. This summer, I made it a goal to finish at least one of three ideas I have been concocting. It has been successful.

My addiction to work has allowed me to make a teaser trailer for the very first time. I'm contemplating having a little preview amongst friends, as this was a very intimate shoot that was more out of love than anything technical.

The film is about unemployed college students. I think it's something many people can relate to. I decided to do it because I think there is a particular sting to the idea and concept of unemployment in Michigan, where I live. I'll discuss this more once I officially put the short online. For now, enjoy the tease!